Mothers-in-law as Key Influencers: Study on a Radio Drama Intervention to improve Maternal and Child Health in Pakistan.

Syed Ali Hussain



mother-in-law, radio drama, entertainment education, maternal health, child health, Pakistan


Mothers-in-law play an integral role in promoting maternal and child health practices in rural Pakistan. This study discusses the design, implementation, and evaluation of a 25- episode radio drama featuring the mother-in-law as the primary influencer for maternal  and child health practices. The radio drama was designed after an extensive pre-drama audience research comprising of 10 focus groups, and 14 in-depth  interviews in Bagh and Mansehra. Post-drama evaluation comprised two focus groups in the target areas. The endline evaluation found that viewership of the drama improved communication between people of all age groups and social roles without offending their dignity, intelligence, and sense of tradition. Additionally, the findings showed that the audience
demonstrated improvement in knowledge about danger signs for mother and child, as well as positive attitudes to seeking timely service from a trained healthcare provider. The study makes a contribution to existing health communication campaigns by introducing a culture-centric approach, through radio dramas, to influence mothers-inlaw and consequently impact maternal and child health practices.

