Brain Drain from Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis

Samina Farooq and Eatzaz Ahmad



Brain Drain, Pull-and-Push Factors, Gravity Model, Principal, Component-Analysis.


The paper is an attempt to empirically analyze the drivers of emigration of highly[1]qualified and highly-skilled manpower from Pakistan to 27 destination countries over the past 36 years. The econometric model employed is a bipolar specification of augmented gravity model, which is hybrid of pull-push factors of migration models and gravity model of migration. Then study constructs indices to measure drivers of brain-drain through the technique of principal component analysis. These indices are then used to analyze their potential role in the process of migration. The study finds that the main factors contributing to migration from Pakistan include the pull factors like better socioeconomic conditions in the destination countries and push factors associated with demographic and labor market condition in Pakistan. Thus the empirical findings support the underlying demand and supply based theories of migration. Based on the findings of the study and keeping in view the importance of remittances that Pakistan receives from overseas Pakistanis, the study concludes that in an over-populated country like Pakistan, unplanned brain-drain needs to be re-oriented to take the form of planned brain-export.

